Eucharistic Ministers assist the Priest in the conduct of the Holy Eucharist. They lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. They also bear the chalice during the administration of the Eucharist. If there is no Acolyte present, the Eucharistic Minister will assist the Priest during the service by carrying the cross or the Gospel at appropriate times, presenting the alms basins and receiving the gifts of alms, bread, and wine at the communion rail. They might also assist with setting the table for the celebration of Holy Eucharist.
Eucharistic Ministers are selected by the Rector and are trained in the performance of their duties by him. Their names are submitted to the Diocese and they are licensed by the Bishop based on the Rector's recommendation. Their licenses are automatically renewed each year based on the Rector's recommendation in the submission of the annual parish report to the diocese.
If you feel called to this ministry, contact Fr. Thompson to discuss your calling with him and arrange for training.